The Cable Show 2010 news summary

Last week as cable providers ramped up for their big show in Los Angeles, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski dropped a 10-kiloton bomb into the middle of the party with a document outlining a framework that could drastically narrow options for the industry.

It was the first of several announcements leading up to and during The Cable Show 2010 that had attendees buzzing. New technologies, convergence with existing technologies, and even a runaway satellite caught attention last week at an event normally noted most for its self-congratulatory bent.

Below is a summary of FierceCable's coverage of The Cable Show 2010, from pre-show hype to post-hangover wrap-ups.

The Cable Show 2010.Or, you can skip to the end and read Jim Barthold's commentary about what cable executives didn't address at The Cable Show.

Q&A with Mark Bell, VP-Industry Affairs, NCTA
FCC chairman describes narrowly tailored 'third way' for broadband providers
FCC broadband plan has implications for Motorola's 'Internet Era of TV'
The Cable Show Roundup: Announcements raining down from vendors, providers
Demonstrating their ANGA: U.S. cable vendors woo buyers at European show
sofatronic to go interactive at cable show
Cable Show to feature interactive showcase

Monday, May 10
The button's been pushed, and the war's about to begin
Rovi guide aims for 6-degree search capabilities

Tuesday, May 11
Government regulation not a 'big worry' for Comcast's Roberts
Cable has opportunity to excel in healthcare broadband business
Cable needs to KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid) with converged content delivery model
Cable operators taking different routes to same destination: broadband wireless
IP video is already here, say cable CTOs

Thursday, May 13
Wall Streeters speak, but will cable listen and do something about higher prices?
Genachowski to cable: Regulation will be accomplished with a light touch
Disconnects continue on when 3D TV will be real
FCC taking hands off of broadcast retransmission battles
Moonves won't jump through Hulu hoops; service sticks with Adobe Flash

Broadcast scenario left unaddressed at Cable Show
Cable helpers: Politicos, CTIA opposed to FCC Internet regulation
IP video? YouTube now serving up 2 billion daily downloads
Local TV becoming a hot property again: just ask Comcast
Retransmission review at hand, FCC chief says

(Photo source: The Cable Show)