Sizing up how much Netflix, Amazon, Hulu spend on original content

Netflix original contentHow much are online video providers spending on original content this year? While Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) has always been pretty open about the amount of money it's dedicating to its original series, other leading subscription video-on-demand companies like Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) and Hulu are not so forthcoming. Industry analysts knock their heads against their laptops trying to figure out total spending. But their tallies are mostly rough estimations.

With that in mind, FierceOnlineVideo editor Samantha Bookman takes a stab at determining the dollar amounts for content acquisition--both existing, non-exclusive content and original, exclusive content--of three top online video companies. She also takes a look at how content spending has grown for these providers over the last three years. Samantha's full report can be read here.