Yahoo behind on rollout of Connected TV Store

Yahoo's Connected TV widget store, whose expansion from a CE-curated store into a full-blown app shop was announced amid much fanfare in November, still hasn't hit the market, and it looks like it will be a while before it arrives.

The expanded version was supposed to be available this month, but reports now say that it's unclear when the store will open for consumers, although OEM partners have been told they'll see software for the Connected TV Store before the end of the month.

In November, developers were told they'd be able to sell widget apps through the store for between 99 cents and 99 dollars. For the time being, that's just so much smoke and mirrors.

Connected TV is predicted to be one of the largest growth segments on the online video market, with analysts saying that also most TVs will be sold with connectivity as a standard feature in the next couple of years.

 For more:
- see this report

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