Facebook to update video rankings with emphasis on original content, engagement

Over the coming months, Facebook will update how it prioritizes video rankings on its website by putting more emphasis on original content and engagement.

The changes will affect video distribution across Facebook including News Feed, Facebook Watch and the “More Videos” recommendations.

After last year taking steps to limit distribution for unoriginal or repurposed content, Facebook said it’s making changes that will demote video content from pages that are involved in sharing schemes, and it will strongly limit distribution and monetization for this kind of content.

Specifically, Facebook will limit content that a Facebook Page had no role in creating or editing; minimally edited content that does not meaningfully alter its source; compilations of third-party videos; and content that was uploaded somewhere else first that a Page had little to no role in creating.

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“While there are numerous factors that determine video distribution on Facebook, these changes will benefit video distribution for Pages that create original content people want to watch and come back to. We’ll continue to improve video ranking to show videos that people value and to help great video makers reach more people on Facebook,” wrote David Miller, product management director at Facebook, in a blog post.

Facebook is also making changes to promote videos based on “Loyalty and intent,” or intent and repeat viewership.

“Going forward, we will add more weight in ranking to videos that people seek out and return to week after week,” Miller wrote.

The company will also begin ranking based on video and viewing duration.

“As we’ve shared in the past, it’s important to ensure that videos capture viewers’ attention for at least one minute. We will add more weight in ranking to videos that keep people engaged, especially on videos that are at least three minutes long,” Miller wrote.