Huawei and TDC Group achieve 840 Mbps downstream speed in DOCSIS 3.1 field test

Huawei said it teamed with Danish telecom carrier TDC Group to produce an 840 Mbps downstream transmission speed using 96 MHz broadband during a recent DOCSIS 3.1 field trial.

The test represents another step towards the broader deployment of the cable industry's new IP network technology platform.

The test used Huawei's DOCSIS 3.1-compliant Converged Cable Access Platform and a prototype modem from STMicroelectronics. It was performed on TDC's coaxial broadband network in Copenhagen and demonstrated at the ANGA COM conference in Cologne, Germany.

The development of CableLabs' DOCSIS 3.1 network technology standard has become a priority for the cable industry, which has seen broadband traffic increase 50 percent annually. Cable operators are also working to combat competition from fiber-to-the-home providers.

Compared with the current DOCSIS 3.0 technology, DOCSIS 3.1 data transmission efficiency increases 50 percent via the use of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation.

DOCSIS 3.1 can provide transmission rates up to 2 Gbps upstream and 10 Gbps downstream. 

"The success of this early field test confirms that moving to 1 Gbps speeds in the coaxial network is an optimal business opportunity with a promising timescales for a 2016 launch," said Peter Bukhave, VP of TV network development for TDC.

For more:
- read this Huawei press release

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