YouTube goes live with streaming video channels; LightSquared seen as threat to aircraft

Cable industry news from across the Web:

@FierceCable RT @arstechnica: The four enemies of indie Internet TV. Story | Follow @FierceCable

> YouTube has launched--to selected customers--a live streaming platform that lets users create and broadcast live video streams. Story. 

> Anti-Clearwire 4G wireless wholesaler LightSquared's technology could also be an anti-aircraft device if its strong signals interfere with GPS, some manufacturers are saying. Story.

> As expected, the House of Representatives pretty much followed party lines in voting to repeal net neutrality regulations. Story.

> The NCTC has re-upped with Comcast Media Center's HITS for both access to both SD and HD programming. News release.

> Akamai has teamed with Synacor to simplify log-in procedures for TV Everywhere users. Story.

> Despite what's been widely reported, Liberty Global would "like" to own Dutch cable operator Ziggo, but it isn't ready to bid. Story.

And finally ... all's CALM on the Western front as The Advanced Television Systems Committee focuses on the government's new commercial loudness law at NAB in Las Vegas. Story.