Encoding.com launched developer-friendly plan that includes free encoding

Cloud encoding company Encoding.com has expanded its developer program, that allows developers access to an unlimited monthly encoding plan that includes 1GB of video processing, improved API documentation, and a revamped Knowledge Base that includes solutions to the most common errors and tips to generate the highest quality output. The company said the new developer-friendly plan creates a no-cost test environment to build video applications using the Encoding.com API.

The company, which last month added $2 million in funding, said its refreshed website includes better organized API documentation and also provides the XML code for the most common workflow tasks so developers can seamlessly integrate cloud-based transcoding services directly into their applications.

"Video application developers are the key drivers in the video ecosystem, and it has always been a priority for us to provide the best tools possible to empower and support their innovations," said Jeff Malkin, president of Encoding.com. "We're excited to launch our upgraded Developer Program which not only allows developers to tinker under the hood before committing to the Encoding.com platform, but also provides a full spectrum of resources to help developers create powerful and efficient applications."

 For more:
- see this release

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